Programming Language Basics

The static/dynamic distinction
Among the most important issues that we face when designing a compiler for a language is what decisions can the compiler make about a program. If a language uses a policy that allows the compiler to decide an issue, then we say that the language uses a static policy or that the issue can be decided at compile time. On the other hand, a policy that only allows a decision to be made when we execute the program is said to be a dynamic policy or to require a decision at run time.

Environments and states
Another important distinction we must make when discussing programming languages is whether changes occurring as the program runs affect the values of data elements or affect the interpretation of names for that data. For example, the execution of an assignment such as x = y +1 changes the value denoted by the name x. More specifically, the assignment changes the value in whatever location is denoted by x.

Static scope and block structure
Most languages, including C and its family, use static scope. The scope rules for C are based  on program structure; the scope of a declaration is determined implicitly by where the declaration appears in the program. Later languages, such as C + + , Java, and C # , also provide explicit control over scopes through the use of keywords like public, private, and protected. In this section we consider static-scope rules for a language with blocks, where a block is a grouping of declarations and statements. C uses braces {and} to delimit a block; the alternative use of b e g in and end for the same purpose dates back to Algol.

Explicit access control
Classes and structures introduce a new scope for their members. If p is an object of a class with a field (member) x, then the use of x in p.x refers to field x in the class definition. In analogy with block structure, the scope of a member declaration x in a class C extends to any subclass C, except if C has a local declaration of the same name x.

Dynamic scope
Technically, any scoping policy is dynamic if it is based on factor(s) that can be known only when the program executes. The term dynamic scope, however, usually refers to the following policy: a use of a name x refers to the declaration of x in the most recently called procedure with such a declaration. Dynamic scoping of this type appears only in special situations.

Parameter passing mechanisms
All programming languages have a notion of a procedure, but they can differ in how these procedures get their arguments. In this section, we shall consider how the actual parameters (the parameters used in the call of a procedure) are associated with the formal parameters (those used in the procedure definition). Which mechanism is used determines how the calling-sequence code treats parameters. The great majority of languages use either "call-byvalue," or "call-by-reference," or both. We shall explain these terms, and another method known as "call-by-name," that is primarily of historical interest.


There is an interesting consequence of call-by-reference parameter passing or its simulation, as in Java, where references to objects are passed by value. It is possible that two formal parameters can refer to the same location; such variables are said to be aliases of one another. As a result, any two variables, which may appear to take their values from two distinct formal parameters, can become aliases of each other, as well.