Type of Number | Number of Digits | Format |
Mobile telephone numbers | Difficult to say, probably between 8 to 10 | Will be prefixed by '0' |
Land telephone numbers | Again difficult to say, between 4 and 10 | Normally prefixed by a '0' |
Telephone numbers abroad | Will have more digits than a number in-country | Prefixed by '001' and the country code, normally 2 digits |
A postcode in Australia | Between four to five digits | Together |
A postcode in the UK | Digits and letters, normally 3 or 4 digits & 3 or 4 letters | Seperated into 2 parts: letter(s) + digit(s) and letter(s) + digit(s) |
Short-term dates (a few days or weeks) | Between 2 & 4 | Normal UK or Aus format: date+month (not the US version of month+date) - might also have a day-name included |
Long-term dates (months or years) | Between 3 & 6 | Normal UK or Aus format: date+month+year |
Duration of time (eg: how long a journey takes) | Depends on what kind of journey (long/short & type of transport | Normally will be a few hours, or possible weeks or even months for journeys by sea |
A person’s age | One or two. Possibly 3, but not likely | Together |
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