Electrical engineering is concerned with the generation of electricity and its transmission and uses. Although electrical engineers may design, develop and supervise the manufacture of electrical equipment which includes electric motors and generators; communication equipments; electrical apparatus such as television, radar, computers and missile guidance systems; and electrical appliances of all kinds. They may also participate for generating and distributing electric powers.
In recent years, electrical engineering has been among the most rapidly growing branches of the engineering profession.
As an engineer in the field you may choose to be an electronic engineer or electrical engineer.
since I have defined electrical engineer and you have know what it is as mentioned early I will conclude by defining electronic engineer who is concerned with the production of appliances that uses the effect of electricity such as television, radio, another’s. Any choice you make is ok.
Furthermore, electronics is one of the most expanding industries, presenting thousand of employment opportunities everyday. Many of these jobs cannot be filled simply because there is no one with proper education or training to fulfill the requirement of the job or position. As a student you have the choice of a life's vocation ahead of you. You should also no that there are many possibilities in electronics-like good salaries, opportunity for advancement, and security in any of the number of related type of work.
The start you have made to read this article can serve as a stepping stone toward advanced preparation for work in the electrical or electronic industries.
In the same vein, there is no much difference between electrical and electronic as regards to engineering.
In recent years, electrical engineering has been among the most rapidly growing branches of the engineering profession.
As an engineer in the field you may choose to be an electronic engineer or electrical engineer.
since I have defined electrical engineer and you have know what it is as mentioned early I will conclude by defining electronic engineer who is concerned with the production of appliances that uses the effect of electricity such as television, radio, another’s. Any choice you make is ok.
Furthermore, electronics is one of the most expanding industries, presenting thousand of employment opportunities everyday. Many of these jobs cannot be filled simply because there is no one with proper education or training to fulfill the requirement of the job or position. As a student you have the choice of a life's vocation ahead of you. You should also no that there are many possibilities in electronics-like good salaries, opportunity for advancement, and security in any of the number of related type of work.
The start you have made to read this article can serve as a stepping stone toward advanced preparation for work in the electrical or electronic industries.
In the same vein, there is no much difference between electrical and electronic as regards to engineering.
Electrical and Electronics Engineer’s nature of work.
In the branch of engineering, the major area of work includes electronics, electrical machinery and equipment manufacturing, telephone and telegraph, power, illumination, and transportation. Electrical engineers usually specialize in one of these broad areas of work or even in a subdivision of some one area. For instance, electronics engineer is increasingly becoming recognized as a distinct branch of the profession, an electronics engineer work in the field with large equipment and supervise installation and repair of all type of electronics gear.An electronics engineer checks a circuit in a colored TV transmitter to diagnose the problem and proffer a solution.
When a product is manufactured which work with the principle of electronics a group of electronics engineers will test the latest of it. Example the latest telephone circuitry. Lastly, a number of electrical engineers are engaged in design, development, and research. Another large group is employed in technical administration. Others are employed in manufacturing operations or in technical sales.
Where Employed.
Electrical engineers are mainly employed in electrical and electronics equipment manufacturers, and by electric light and power, aircraft and missile, telephone and telegraph, and radio and television broadcasting companies.However, many members of this profession are employed in still other industries, some are employed by government agencies, colleges, universities and consulting firms; while a few work as independent consulting engineers.
Employment in electrical engineering is concentrated to a considerable extent in the industries centers where electrical and electronic equipment is manufactured. Jobs with electric light and companies, telephone companies, and radio and television station are located in every state-in small towns as well as large cities.