Structure of Management Information (SMI)

v SMI defines the structure of the MIB information and the allowable data types. The SMI identifies how resources within the MIB are represented and named.
v The philosophy behind SMI is to encourage simplicity and extensibility within the MIB.
v The SNMP specification includes a template, known as an Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1) OBJECT TYPE macro, which provides the formal model for defining objects and tables of objects in the MIB.
v Several data types are allowed in SMI. the primitive data types consists of INTEGER, OCTET STRING, NULL, and OBJECT IDENTIFIER
v Primitive data types are written in uppercase, while user defined data types start with an uppercase letter but contain at least one character other than an uppercase letter.
v An OBJECT IDENTIFIER is represented as a sequence of nonnegative integers where each integer corresponds to a particular node in the tree.

v Data type is used to identify a managed object and relating its place in the object hierarchy.