Associated based routing [ABR]

Associated based routing [ABR]: ABR is an efficient on-demand or source initiated routing protocol. In ABR, the destination node decides the best route, using node associativity. ABR is suitable for small networks, as it provides fast route discovery and creates shortest paths through associativity. Each node keeps track of associativity information by sending messages periodically.
If the associativity value is more means nodes mobility is less.
If the associativity value is less means nodes mobility is
In ABR the source which wants to send the packet to the destination will create a query packet and broadcast in the network. Query packet generation is required for discovering the route.
The broadcast continues as long as destination is reached once the destination is reached it creates the reply packet and sends back to the source.

The query packet will have the following information.

1. Source id
2. Destination id
3. All intermediate node id
4. Sequence number
5. CRC and
6. Time to live [TTL]

A node sends an update packet to the neighbors and waits for the reply if update is received back, then associative tick will be incremented high then it means mobile device is still a part of the network otherwise it might not be.