Classification of routing protocols

Ad-hoc Routing protocols can be categorized as table-driven or source initiated. Table-driven or proactive ,routing protocols finds routes to all possible destinations ahead of time. The routes are recorded in the nodes’ routing tables and are updated within the predefined intervals. Proactive routing protocols are faster in decision making ,but cause problems if the topology of the network continually changes. These protocols require every node to maintain one or more tables to store updated
routing information from every node to all other nodes.

Source-initiated routing protocols:

Source-initiated, or reactive, routing protocols are on-demand procedures and create routes only when requested to do so by source nodes. A route request initiates a route-discover process in the network and is completed once a route is discovered. If it exists, at the time of request, a route is maintained by a route-maintenance procedure until either the destination node becomes irrelevant to the source or the route is no longer needed. Control overhead of packets is smaller than of proactive protocols.