Network services and internal network operation
Packet Network Topology
Datagram and Virtual Circuits- Message Switching
Datagram or Connectionless Packet Switching
Packet Switching Delay
Virtual – Circuit Packet Switching
Connection Setup
Connection Setup Delay
Cut-Through switching
Structure of a Packet Switch
Routing in Packet Networks
Classification of routing algorithms
Hierarchical Routing
Routing Table for Virtual circuit networks
Bellman-Ford Algorithm or Ford-Fulkerson algorithm
Source Routing
Traffic Management
Head of Line (HOL) Priority Queueing
Fair Queueing / Generalized Processor Sharing
Weighted Fair Queueing (WFQ)
Buffer Management: - Random Early Detection (RED)
Traffic Management at the Flow Level
TCP/IP Architecture
Internet Protocol
IP Routing
ARP (Address Resolution Protocol)
RARP (Reverse Address Resolution Protocol)
IP fragmentation and Reassembly
IPV6 Header Format
User datagram Protocol (UDP)
Transport Control Protocol (TCP)
TCP Connection establishment
TCP Data Transfer
Nagle Algorithm
Silly Window Syndrome
TCP Connection Termination
TCP state Transition diagram
TCP Congestion Control
Internet Routing Protocols
Routing Information Protocol (RIP)
Open Shortest Path First (OSPF)
BGP (Border Gateway Protocol):
BGP Packet-Header Fields
Multicast Routing
RPB (Reverse Path Broadcasting)
RPM (Reverse Path Multicasting)
IGMP (Internet Group Management Protocol)
Mobile IP
NAT (Network Address Translation or Network Address Translator)
DHCP Lease Stages
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)
Network management
Simple Network Management Protocol
Structure of Management Information (SMI)
Management Information Base (MIB)
MIB Object Identifiers
RMON (Remote Network Monitoring)
What is Network Security?
Applications of Cryptography to Security
Symmetric-key cryptography
Public-key cryptography
Authentication Header (AH)
Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP)
Domain Name Service (DNS)
How DNS Works
Domain Name Space
Secure Shell [SSH]
Mail Exchangers (MX)
E-Mail Clients
File Transfer Protocol [FTP]
FTP Example
World Wide Web [WWW]
Hypertext and links: the motion of the Web
Programming languages and environments
Overview of QoS
Integrated Services Q0S
Traffic shaping
Leaky Bucket Traffic Shaping
Token bucket shaping
Admission Control
Resource reservation protocol
Packet scheduling
Head of Line (HOL) Priority Queuing
Fair Queueing / Generalized Processor Sharing
Weighted Fair Queuing (WFQ)
Deficit round robin scheduler
Weighted fair queuing
Differentiated Services
Per-Hop Behavior
Classification of Resource allocation
Router based versus Host based
Fixed versus Adaptive
Window based versus Rate based
Fairness in Resource Allocation
Resource Allocation in ATM Network
Constant Bit Rate (CBR)
Resource Management using Virtual Paths
Virtual private network
Remote Access VPN
Site to Site VPN
Tunneling and Point to Point Protocol (PPP)
Security in VPNs
Multiprotocol Label Switching
MPLS Operation
Traffic engineering
MPLS based VPNs
Overlay Networks
Storage Space
Major Steps of Data Compression
Basic Compression Techniques
Concept of IP Telephony
Advantages of IP Telephony
Session Initiation Protocol
User Agents
SIP Server
Proxy Server
Redirect Server
SIP Requests and Responses
H.323 Protocol
RTP(Real-Time Transport Protocol)
SCTP Features
SCTP Data Transfer
SCTP Shutdown
Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks, Wireless Sensor Networks
Applications of MANETs
Classification of routing protocols
Table driven / proactive
Cluster head gateway switch router [CGSR]
Wireless routing protocol [WRP]
Source initiated / reactive protocol
Associated based routing [ABR]
Adhoc on demand distance vector [AODV]
Temporary ordered routing algorithm [TORA]
Security in adhoc networks
Types of attack in adhoc network
Criteria for a secure routing protocol
Wireless sensor network
Protocol stack for sensor network
Structure of a sensor node
Communication energy model
Clustering protocol
Routing protocol in sensor network
Inter cluster routing [ICR]
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