Fair Queueing / Generalized Processor Sharing

§ Fair queueing provides equal access to transmission bandwidth.
§ Each user flow has its own logical queue which prevents hogging and allows
differential loss probabilities
§ C bits/sec is allocated equally among non-empty queues.
§ The transmission rate = C / n bits/second, where n is the total number of flows in
the system and C is the transmission bandwidth.
§ Fairness: It protects behaving sources from misbehaving sources.
§ Aggregation:
o Per-flow buffers protect flows from misbehaving flows
o Full aggregation provides no protection
o Aggregation into classes provided intermediate protection
§ Drop priorities:
o Drop packets from buffer according to priorities
o Maximizes network utilization & application QoS

o Examples: layered video, policing at network edge.

The above figure 7.46 illustrates the differences between ideal or fluid flow
and packet-by-packet fair queueing for packets of equal length.
• Idealized system assumes fluid flow from queues, where the transmission bandwidth is divided equally among all non-empty buffers.
• The figure assumes buffer1 and buffer 2 has single L-bit packet to transmit at
t=0 and no subsequent packet arrive.
• Assuming capacity of C=L bits/second=1 packet/second.
• Fluid-flow system transmits each packet at a rate of ½ and completes the transmission of both packets exactly at time=2 seconds.
• Packet-by-packet fair queueing system transmits the packet from buffer 1 first
and then transmits from buffer 2, so the packet completion times are 1 and 2 seconds.
The above figure illustrates the differences between ideal or fluid flow
and packet-by-packet fair queueing for packets of variable length.