Inter cluster routing [ICR]

Inter cluster routing [ICR]: It is a destination initiated reactive routing algorithm. The destination is called as local base station [LBS] it will start the route discovery by creating interest signal and following them. ICR works in two phases, Route discovery and data acquisition.
In Route Discovery Phase, the LBS initiates route discovery by sending an interest signal within the range Ri,
1. All the nodes which are in the range Ri will receive the interest signal.
2. Upon receiving the interest signal it will be stored and flooding continues.
3. If an intermediate node receive already processed interest signal it will be discarded
4. Before flooding the interest signal the cost value will be updated. The format of the interest signal and the formula for the cost is as given below.

Interest signal
Period Source



The type field indicates message format. The period indicates how often interest signal has to be sent. The source address field is used for sorting address of the source node. The cost field indicates number of hops required to reach the source. In formula for the cost α and β are normalization factor based on environment.

Cost=αh+βΣ Bm/Bri

Where, h is hop count
Bm = It is the maximum battery available in the node

Bri = it is the remaining battery in the node.