Resource Management using Virtual Paths

* In ATM networks, the main resource management is to use all virtual paths properly
* Number of Virtual Channel Connections (VCC) are grouped into Virtual Path Connection (VPC).
* It provides equal capacity to all virtual channels within virtual path.
* The traffic management in ATM networks having different parameters are cell-loss ratio, cell-transfer delay and cell-delay variation.
* The performance of virtual channel depends on the performance of virtual paths
* There are two types of approaches to resource allocation for virtual paths.
* In the first approach, the ATM network can set capacity of the virtual paths to meet the peak data rates for all VCCs, within a VPC. However, the number of resources are wasted.
* The second approach, an ATM network can set the capacity of VPC to be greater than or equal to the average capacity of all VCCs.
Connection Admission Control
An ATM network accepts the connection only if it meets the QoS requirements. Once the network accepts connection, the user and the network enter into the traffic contract.
The traffic contract can be characterized as four parameters
o Peak Cell Rate
o Cell Delay Variation
o Sustainable Cell Rate

o Burst Tolerance