TCP supports the most popular suite of applications on the Internet today, and it has been enhanced in recent years to improve robustness and performance over networks of varying capacities and quality. Nevertheless, it largely retains the behavior outlined in 1981 by Internet pioneer Jon Postel in RFC 793,4 including properties that make it a less-than-ideal trans transaction-based processing. TCP requires a strict order-oftransmission delivery service for all data passed between two hosts. This is too confining for applications that can accept per-stream sequential delivery (partial ordering) or no sequential delivery (order-ofarrival delivery).

TCP also treats each data transmission as an unstructured sequence of bytes. It forces applications that process individual messages to insert and track message boundaries within the TCP byte stream. Applications may also need to invoke the TCP push mechanism to ensure timely data transport.

The TCP sockets-based application-programming interface does not support multihoming. An application can only bind a single IP address to a particular TCP
connection with another host. If the interface associated with that IP address goes
down, the TCP connection is lost and must be reestablished.

Finally, TCP hosts are susceptible to denial-ofservice attacks characterized by TCP

SYN “storms” in which a burst of TCP SYN packets arrives to signal an unsuspecting host that the sender wishes to establish a TCP connection with it. The receiving host allocates memory and responds with SYN ACK messages. When the attacker never returns ACK messages to complete the three-way TCP connection setup handshake, the victimized host is left with depleted resources and an inability to service legitimate TCP connection setup requests.