*An approach to
preventing unfair buffer hogging by detecting congestion when a
buffer begins to
reach certain level and it notifies the source to reduce the rate at
which they send
*Packets produced
by TCP will reduce input rate in response to network congestion
*RED is a buffer
management technique that attempts to provide equal access to FIFO
system by
randomly dropping arriving packets before the buffer overflows.
*A dropped
packet provides feedback information to the source and informs the
source to reduce
its transmission rate.
*Early drop:
discard packets before buffers are full
*Random drop
causes some sources to reduce rate before others, causing gradual
reduction in
aggregate input rate.
*Minth and Maxth
are the two thresholds defined
*RED algorithm
uses average queue length, when average queue length is below
Minth , RED does
not drop any arriving packets.
*When average
queue length is between Minth and Maxth, RED drops an arriving
packet with an
increasing probability as the average queue length increases.
*Packet drop
probability increases linearly with queue length
*RED improves
performance of cooperating TCP sources.
*RED increases
loss probability of misbehaving sources
running average of queue length
*If Qavg <
minthreshold, do nothing
*If Qavg >
maxthreshold, drop packet
*If in between,
drop packet according to probability
*Flows that send more
packets are more likely to have packets dropped
Drop Profile in RED