Traffic Management at the Flow Level

* Management of individual traffic flows & resource allocation to ensure delivery of QoS(e.g. Delay, jitter, loss)
* Traffic management at flow level operates on the order of milliseconds to seconds.
* It is concerned with managing the individual traffic flow to ensure the QoS (e.g.
delay, jitter, loss) requested by user is satisfied.
* The purpose of Traffic Management at the Flow Level is to control the flows of traffic and maintain performance even in presence of traffic overload.
* The process of managing the traffic flow in order to control congestion is called
congestion control.

* Congestion occurs when a surge of traffic overloads network resources
Approaches to Congestion Control:
• Preventive Approaches: Scheduling & Reservations
• Reactive Approaches: Detect & Throttle/Discard
Ideal effect of congestion control:
Resources used efficiently up to capacity available
Open-loop control and closed-loop control are the two logical approaches of congestion control.
Open-Loop Control
* It prevents congestion from occurring.
* It does not depend on feedback information to react to congestion.
* Network performance is guaranteed to all traffic flows that have been admitted into the network
* It depends on three Key Mechanisms and they are:-
* Admission Control
* Policing
* Traffic Shaping
Admission Control
* It is a network function that computes the resource (bandwidth and buffers)
requirements of new flow and determines whether the resources along the path
to be followed are available or not available.
* Before sending packet the source must obtain permission from admission control.
* Admission control decides whether to accept the flow or not.
* Flow is accepted, if the QoS of new flow does not violate QoS of existing flows
* QoS can be expressed in terms of maximum delay, loss probability, delay variance, or other performance measures.
* QoS requirements:
o Peak, Avg., Min Bit rate
o Maximum burst size
o Delay, Loss requirement
* Network computes resources needed
o “Effective” bandwidth
* If flow accepted, network allocates resources to ensure QoS delivered as long as
source conforms to contract
* Network monitors traffic flows continuously to ensure they meet their traffic contract.
* The process of monitoring and enforcing the traffic flow is called policing.
* When a packet violates the contract, network can discard or tag the packet giving it lower priority
* If congestion occurs, tagged packets are discarded first
* Leaky Bucket Algorithm is the most commonly used policing mechanism
o Bucket has specified leak rate for average contracted rate
o Bucket has specified depth to accommodate variations in arrival rate
o Arriving packet is conforming if it does not result in overflow
Leaky Bucket algorithm can be used to police arrival rate of a packet stream
Let X = bucket content at last conforming packet arrival
Let ta be last conforming packet arrival time = depletion in bucket
Leaky Bucket Algorithm
* The above figure shows the leaky bucket algorithm that can be used to police the
traffic flow.
* At the arrival of the first packet, the content of the bucket is set to zero and the last conforming time (LCT) is set to the arrival time of the first packet.
* The depth of the bucket is L+I, where l depends on the traffic burstiness.
* At the arrival of the kth packet, the auxiliary variable X’ records the difference
between the bucket content at the arrival of the last conforming packet and the
interarrival time between the last conforming packet and the kth packet.
* If the auxiliary variable is greater than L, the packet is considered as nonconforming, otherwise the packet is conforming. The bucket content and the arrival time of the
packet are then updated. Leaky Bucket Example: - The operation of the leaky bucket algorithm is illustrated in the below figure.
* Here the value I is four packet times, and the value of L is 6 packet times.
* The arrival of the first packet increases the bucket content by four (packet times).
* At the second arrival the content has decreased to three, but four more are added to the bucket resulting in total of seven.
* The fifth packet is declared as nonconforming since it would increase the content to 11, which would exceed L+I (10).
* Packets 7, 8, 9 and 10 arrive back to back after the bucket becomes empty. Packets 7, 8 and 9 are conforming, and the last one is nonconforming.
* Non-conforming packets not allowed into bucket & hence not included in calculations.

Dual Leaky Bucket
* Dual leaky bucket is use to police multiple traffic parameters like PCR, SCR, and MBS:
* Traffic is first checked for SCR at first leaky bucket.
* Nonconforming packets at first bucket are dropped or tagged.
* Conforming (untagged) packets from first bucket are then checked for PCR at second bucket.
* Nonconforming packets at second bucket are dropped or tagged.