* The TCP/IP
protocol suite usually refers not only to the two most well-known
protocols called
TCP and IP but also to other related protocols such as UDP, ICMP, HTTP, TELNET
and FTP.
* Basic
structure of TCP/IP protocol suite is shown in above figure.
* Protocol data
unit (PDU) exchanged between peer TCP protocols is called segments.
* Protocol data
unit (PDU) exchanged between peer UDP protocols is called datagrams.
* Protocol data unit
(PDU) exchanged between peer IP protocols is called packets.
* In the above figure
an HTTP GET command is passed to the TCP layer, which
encapsulates the
message into a TCP segment.
* The segment header
contains an ephemeral port number for the client process and well known port 80
for HTTP server process.
* The TCP segment is
passed to IP layer where it is encapsulated in an IP packet.
* The IP packet
contains source and destination network address.
* IP packet is
then passed through network interface and encapsulated into PDU of underlying
* In the network
interface, the IP packet is encapsulated into an Ethernet frame, which contains
physical addresses that identify the physical endpoints for the Ethernet sender
and receiver.
* IP packets
transfer information across Internet
* Host A IP →
router→ router…→ router→ Host B IP
* IP layer in
each router determines next hop (router)
* Network
interfaces transfer IP packets across networks
* Internet Names
* Each host has
a unique name
o Independent of
physical location
o Domain Name
will facilitates memorization by humans
* Host Name
o Name given to
host computer
* User Name
o Name assigned
to user
* Each host has
globally unique logical 32 bit IP address
* Separate
address for each physical connection to a network
* Routing
decision is done based on destination IP address
* IP address has
two parts:
* netid and
* netid unique
* netid
facilitates routing
* Dotted Decimal
Notation is used for representation:
Ex: -
DNS(Domain Name
Service) resolves IP name to IP address
* LANs (and
other networks) assign physical addresses to the physical attachment to the
* The network
uses its own address to transfer packets or frames to the appropriate
* IP address
needs to be resolved to physical address at each IP network interface
* Example:
Ethernet uses 48-bit addresses
o Each Ethernet
network interface card (NIC) has globally unique Medium Access Control
(MAC) or physical address
o First 24 bits
identify NIC manufacturer; second 24 bits are serial number
o 00:90:27:96:68:07 12
hex numbers