* Transmission Discipline: First-In, First-Out
* All packets are transmitted in order of their arrival.
* Buffering Discipline:- Discard arriving packets if buffer is full
* Cannot provide differential QoS to different packet flows
* Difficult to determine performance delivered
* Finite buffer determines a maximum possible delay
* Buffer size determines loss probability, but depends on arrival & packet length statistics.

FIFO Queueing with Discard Priority

FIFO queue management can be modified to provide different characteristics of packetloss performance to different classes of traffic.

* The above Figure 7.42 (b) shows an example with two classes of traffic.
* When number of packets in a buffer reaches a certain threshold, arrivals of lower access priority (class 2) are not allowed into the system.

* Arrivals of higher access priority (class 1) are allowed as long as the buffer is not full.