Transport Control Protocol (TCP)

* TCP is a connection oriented, reliable protocol used in internet to provide a reliable endto- end byte stream over an unreliable internetwork (IP)
* An internetwork differs from a single network because different parts have different topologies, Bandwidths, Delays, Packet sizes and other parameters
* TCP has been designed to dynamically adapt to the properties of the internetwork.
* TCP is connection oriented, two processes hand shake each other to establish a connection
* Connection is established between two processes by initializing variables in a connection record called transmission control block (TCB).
* Connection is established bidirectional; hence data transfer takes place simultaneously in both directions.
* Stream Data Transfer:- transfers a contiguous stream of bytes across the network, with no indication of boundaries
* Doesn’t support multicasting or broadcasting.
* Uses selective repeat ARQ to implement reliability.
* A TCP connection is uniquely identified by 4 parameters:
1) Sender IP address
2) Sender port number
3) Receiver IP address
4) Receiver port number
Typically server is assigned a well known port number and client is assigned an ephemeral port number.
Port addresses
TCP Protocol
Source Port and Destination port:-The source and destination ports identify the sending and receiving applications.
Sequence number:- 32 bit sequence numbers are used for acknowledgements and window mechanism