User datagram Protocol (UDP)

UDP is a transport protocol
* UDP provides communication between processes
* UDP uses IP to deliver datagrams to the right host
* Connectionless
* No session is established.
Does not provide guaranteed delivery
* No sequence numbers
* No acknowledgements
* No flow control
* No error control
* Reliability is the responsibility of the application. Uses Port numbers as endpoints to communicate
Applications of UDP are: -
DNS –Domain Name Services
SNMP-Simple Network Management Protocol
TFTP – Trivial File Transfer Protocol
RTP – Real Time Protocol
Reason for using UDP instead of TCP
TCP is a complicated protocol involves:
* Flow control
* Exchange of acknowledgements etc.,
* Hence for delay sensitive applications, TCP becomes inefficient; However TCP gives utmost importance for reliability ( but at the cost of efficiency )
* There are many applications which don’t demand reliability, but demand fast delivery
* Typically audio / video streaming applications, where even loosing some bits doesn’t matter
In such cases UDP is preferred
Figure: - UDP Header
* Source and destination port numbers
– Client ports are ephemeral
– Server ports are well-known
– Max number of port number available is 65,535, since 16 bit is used to
represent the port number.
* UDP length
– Total number of bytes in datagram (including header)
* UDP Checksum (optional)

– Detects errors in UDP datagram