Basic Compression Techniques

The hybrid compression techniques often used on audio and video data in multimedia systems are themselves composed of several different techniques. For example,
 Run-Length Coding
Data often contains sequences of identical bytes. By replacing these repeated byte sequences with the number of occurrences, a substantial reduction of data can be achieved. This is known as run-length coding. A special marker M is needed in the data that does not occur as part of the data stream itself. This M-byte can also be
realized if all 256 possible bytes can occur in the data stream by using byte stuffing. To illustrate this, we define the exclamation mark to be the M-byte. A single occurrence of an excla-mation mark is interpreted as the M-byte during decompression. Two consecutive exclamation marks are interpreted as an exclamation mark occurring within the data.

The M-byte can thus be used to mark the beginning of a run-length coding. The technique can be described precisely as follows: if a byte occurs at least four times in a row, then the number of occurrences is counted. The compressed data contain the byte, followed by the M-byte and the number of occurrences of the byte. Remembering that we are compressing at least four consecutive bytes, the number of occurrences can be offset by –4. This allows the compression of between four and 258 bytes into only three bytes. (Depending on the algorithm, one or more bytes can be used to indicate the length; the same convention must be used during coding and decoding.)
In the following example, the character C occurs eight times in a row and is compressed to the three characters C!4:

Uncompressed data: ABCCCCCCCCDEFGGG
Run-length coded: ABC!4DEFGGG

Zero Suppression
Run-length coding is a generalization of zero suppression, which assumes that just one symbol appears particularly often in sequences. The blank (space) character in text is such a symbol; single blanks or pairs of blanks are ignored. Starting with sequences of three bytes, they are replaced by an M-byte and a byte specifying the number of blanks in the sequence. The number of occurrences can again be offset (by –3). Sequences of between three and 257 bytes can thus be reduced to two bytes. Further variations are tabulators used to replace a specific number of null bytes and the definition of different M-bytes to specify different numbers of null bytes. For example, an M5-byte could replace 16 null bytes, while an M4-byte could replace 8 null bytes. An M5-byte followed by an M4-byte would then represent 24 null bytes.

Vector Quantization
In the case of vector quantization, a data stream is divided into blocks of n bytes each (n>1). A predefined table contains a set of patterns. For each block, the table is consulted to find the most similar pattern (according to a fixed criterion). Each pattern in the table is associated with an index. Thus, each block can be assigned an index. Such a table can also be multidimensional, in which case the index will be a vector. The corresponding decoder has the same table and uses the vector to generate an approxi-mation of the original data stream. For further details see [Gra84] for example.

Pattern Substitution
A technique that can be used for text compression substitutes single bytes for patterns that occur frequently. This pattern substitution can be used to code, for example, the terminal symbols of high-level languages (begin, end, if). By using an M-byte, a larger number of words can be encoded–the M-byte indicates that the next byte is an index representing one of 256 words. The same technique can be applied to still images, video, and audio. In these media, it is not easy to identify small sets of frequently occur-ring patterns. It is thus better to perform an approximation that looks for the most simi-lar (instead of the same) pattern. This is the above described vector quantization.