Major Steps of Data Compression

Figure shows the typical sequence of operations performed in the compression of still images and video and audio data streams. The following example describes the compression of one image:
1.The preparation step (here picture preparation) generates an appropriate digital representation of the information in the medium being compressed. For example, a picture might be divided into blocks of 8 8 pixels with a fixed number of bits per pixel.
2.The processing step (here picture processing) is the first step that makes use of the various compression algorithms. For example, a transformation from the time domain to the frequency domain can be performed using the Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT). In the case of interframe coding, motion vectors can be determined here for each 88 pixel block.
3.Quantization takes place after the mathematically exact picture processing step. Values determined in the previous step cannot and should not be processed with full exactness; instead they are quantized according to a specific resolution and characteristic curve. This can also be considered equivalent to the -law and A-law, which are used for audio data [JN84]. In the transformed domain, the results can be treated differently depending on their importance (e.g., quantized with different numbers of bits).
4.Entropy coding starts with a sequential data stream of individual bits and bytes. Different techniques can be used here to perform a final, lossless compression. For example, frequently occurring long sequences of zeroes can be compressed by specifying the number of occurrences followed by the zero itself.

Picture processing and quantization can be repeated iteratively, such as in the case of Adaptive Differential Pulse Code Modulation (ADPCM). There can either be “feedback” (as occurs during delta modulation), or multiple techniques can be applied to the data one after the other (like interframe and intraframe coding in the case of MPEG). After these four compression steps, the digital data are placed in a data stream having a defined format, which may also integrate the image starting point and type of compression. An error correction code can also be added at this point.

 Figure shows the compression process applied to a still image; the same principles can also be applied to video and audio data.
Decompression is the inverse process of compression. Specific coders and decoders can be implemented very differently. Symmetric coding is characterized by comparable costs for encoding and decoding, which is especially desirable for dialogu applications. In an asymmetric technique, the decoding process is considerably less costly than the coding process. This is intended for applications where compression is performed once and decompression takes place very frequently, or if the decompression must take place very quickly. For example, an audio-visual course module is produced once, but subsequently decoded by the many students who use it. The main requirement is real-time decompression. An asymmetric technique can be used to increase the quality of the compressed images.
The following section discusses some basic compression techniques. Subsequent sections describe hybrid techniques frequently used in the multimedia field