Overlay Networks

* To protect the existing network from the internet use by the new protocols during
testing phase in public network
* Overlay network creates a virtual topology on top of existing physical topology.
* The above figure shows an overlay network over a wide-area-network
* In an overlay network logical links are used to connect all nodes.
* Here R3, R5, R7 and R2 routers are used to form the overlay network designing with overlay logical links as the interconnection links.
* Logical link is a path used to connect two nodes in an overlay network
* Peer-to-peer network is an example of an overlay network, which runs on top of internet
* Overlay network improve internet routing by allowing the routing of messages to the destination without knowing its IP address.

* Overlay networks are self organized networks. Thus if a node fails in the overlay network algorithm should provide solutions to recreate an appropriate network structure.