Wireless sensor network

WSNs, which can be considered as a special case of ad hoc networks with reduced or no mobility, are expected to find increasing deployment in coming years, as they enable reliable monitoring and analysis of unknown and untested environments. These networks are "data centric", i.e., unlike traditional ad hoc networks where data is requested from a specific node, data is requested based on certain attributes such as,"which area has temperature over 35°C or 95°F". Therefore a large number of sensors need to be deployed to accurately reflect the physical attribute in a given area. Routing protocol design for WSNs is heavily influenced by many challenging factors, which must be overcome before efficient communication can be achieved. These challenges can be summarized as follows:

Ad hoc deployment - Sensor nodes are randomly deployed which requires that the system be able to cope up with the resultant distribution and form connections between the nodes. In addition, the system should be adaptive to changes in network connectivity as a result of node failure.
Computational capabilities - Sensor nodes have limited computing power and therefore may not be able to run sophisticated network protocols leading to light weighted and simple versions of routing protocols.
Energy consumption without losing accuracy - Sensor nodes can use up their limited energy supply carrying out computations and transmitting information in a wireless environment. As such, energyconserving forms of communication and computation are crucial as the node lifetime shows a strong dependence on the battery lifetime. In a multi-hop WSN, nodes play a dual role as data sender and data router. Therefore, malfunctioning of some sensor nodes due to power failure can cause significant topological changes and might require rerouting of packets and reorganization of the network.
Scalability - The number of sensor nodes deployed in the sensing area may be in the order of hundreds, thousands, or more. Any routing scheme must be scalable enough to respond to events and capable of operating with such large number of sensor nodes. Most of the sensors can remain in the sleep state until an event occurs, with data from only a few remaining sensors providing a coarse quality.
Communication range - The bandwidth of the wireless links connecting sensor nodes is often limited, hence constraining inter sensor communication. Moreover, limitations on energy forces sensor nodes to have short transmission ranges. Therefore, it is likely that a path from a source to a destination consists of multiple wireless hops
Fault tolerance - Some sensor nodes may fail or be blocked due to lack of power, physical damage, or environmental interference. If many nodes fail, MAC and routing protocols must accommodate formation of new links and routes to the data collection BSs. This may require actively adjusting transmit powers and signaling rates on the existing links to reduce energy consumption, or rerouting packets through regions of the network where more energy is available. Therefore, multiple levels of redundancy may be needed in a fault tolerant WSN.
Connectivity - High node density in sensor networks precludes them from being completely isolated from each other. Therefore, sensor nodes are expected to be highly connected. This, however, may not prevent the network topology from varying and the network size from shrinking due to sensor nodes failures. In addition, connectivity depends on the, possibly random, distribution of nodes.
Transmission media - In a multi-hop sensor network, communicating nodes are linked by a wireless medium. Therefore, the traditional problems associated with a wireless channel (e.g., fading, high error rate) also affect the operation of the sensor network. In general, bandwidth requirements of sensor applications will be low, in the order of 1-100 kb/s. As we have seen in Chapters 4 and 5 and in the previous section, the design of the MAC protocol is also critical in terms of conserving energy in WSNs.
QoS - In some applications (e.g., some military applications), the data should be delivered within a certain period of time from the moment it is sensed, otherwise the data will be useless. Therefore, bounded latency for data delivery is another condition for time constrained applications.
Control Overhead - When the number of retransmissions in wireless medium increases due to collisions, the latency and energy consumption also increases. Hence, control packet overhead increases linearly with the node density. As a result, tradeoffs between energy conservation, selfconfiguration, and latency may exist.

Security - Security is an important issue which does not mean physical security, but it implies that both authentication and encryption should be feasible. But, with limited resources, implementation of any complex algorithm needs to be avoided. Thus, a tradeoff exists between the security level and energy consumption in a WSN.